What’s in My Hospital Bags?

What’s in My Hospital Bags?

I can’t believe that I’m already half way through my third trimester! Being almost at the finish line, I thought that now would be a good time to pack my hospital bags. Before I packed anything I wrote out a checklist of everything that we would possibly need while at the hospital. I’m no expert at packing and I tend to over pack when going on vacation, but I think that I nailed it this time only packing essentials…and a few cute little headbands (don’t judge me). Sooo without further ado…

My Hospital Bag

First things first, toiletries. You do not want to forget these essential items. That includes your toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, mouth wash, soap/bodywash, deodorant, lotion…and vaseline (or chapstick) because there’s no chapped lips like chapped “labor lips”.

I packed for three days, although I’m hoping that I will only stay for two. I will be breastfeeding so I made sure that all of my nightgowns were loose fitting and easy to pull down. I packed a robe because I’m always cold, and lucky me I found a cute nightgown at Ross that came with a matching robe.

Speaking of breastfeeding, I made sure to pack all of my essentials for breastfeeding. I ordered these reusable breast pads, nursing bras, and hand held Medela breast pump from Amazon. I also packed a breast bud that catches the let down milk from the opposite breast that you’re nursing from that would otherwise go to waste. I don’t know about you but I’m not trying to waste even a drop of the liquid gold.

My feet stay cold, and so does the hospital, so I packed three pairs of socks. I’m kind of funny about walking around on a hospital floor without bedroom shoes on, so I couldn’t forget those. I’m very funny about standing in a public shower without shower shoes on, so God forbid I forget those.

Last but not least, I packed a comfy, casual outfit to go home in. I made sure that it was something that wasn’t too tight fitting .

Baby Girl's Hospital Bag

First of all, can we talk about how cute this baby bag is? It came with a pink changing mat inside. I ordered it off Amazon 🙂

Her bag is where I may have over packed, just a little. I couldn’t decide if I wanted her to wear onesies or nightgowns…so I packed both. The nightgowns seem a little long so I’m not sure if they will fit. I packed three size newborn onesies and three size preemie onesies because I have a feeling that she’ll be here sooner than expected and I want to make sure that something actually fits.

I wanted to pack at least one hat that could possibly match everything…and then I got carried away with the headbands. Why are they so dang cute?! I also packed three pairs of socks and a hair brush, because it has been confirmed that she has hair people 🙂

Ahhh swaddling. I could never get the dang thing right! So this time I made sure to get swaddles with velcro. I packed three of those. I also packed a thin fluffy blanket for comfort, a big receiving blanket, and three burp cloths.

I don’t plan to do a lot of pumping while at the hospital, but I’m bringing along three bottles just in case I want my husband to take over a feeding or two. I’m also bringing along a pacifier. My babies were never really pacifier babies but it did soothe them from time to time, so why not?

It’s been ten years since I last gave birth but I’m pretty sure that the hospital still provides diapers…or at least I’m hoping they do. I decided to pack a couple of diapers just in case.

The final thing that I packed is baby girl’s going home outfit. Like seriously, look at how cute and little those joggers are!

And that’s what’s in my hospital bags! Are you preparing for the arrival of a little one? If so, I would love to hear what’s in your hospital bags in the comments below 🙂

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jazz

    LOVE IT! Those bags are very well packed. You spent a very good deal of time packing those bags. I guarantee you NOTHING will be left behind. [(Side note) I know my bag is good if you packed it. I have no worries.

    1. Jazzy Virtue

      Thanks for acknowledging my hard work ❤ and entrusting me with packing your hospital bag 😂

  2. Ivianna Y.

    Ok this is just goals for the next time we have a little one because the first time?? I was all over the place with my hospital bag!! 😅🤣

    1. Jazzy Virtue

      Don’t feel bad 😂 I have no idea what I packed the first two times around. I decided I was going to be over prepared this time 😆

  3. Jazzy Virtue

    Merci d’avoir lu! Je suis content que vous ayez apprécié. La création de mon site Web a demandé beaucoup de patience, mais lorsque vous faites ce que vous aimez, cela ne vous dérange pas 😊

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